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Gustine gears up for return of cattle egrets
Cattle egret
Nesting cattle egrets have been a yearly nuisance at Schmit Park. - photo by File Photo

The City of Gustine is about to see the return of a not-so welcome visitor: Cattle egrets.

The migratory birds start showing up around this time of year to make their nests and lay their eggs and it generally causes a big mess and health hazards for the city and residents.

This species of birds are federally protected, especially as their breeding season occurs. The City has obtained a depredation permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that allows the City to take extra steps in deterring the birds from establishing nests and laying eggs, but once an egg has hatched, the City must stop all removal and deterrence efforts. 

There are a series of requirements the City must also report as well on deterrence and making sure proper removal actions are taken. In order to continue to qualify for the annual permit, the City must: List homeowners on their permit who take steps either personally or through a vendor in regard to trimming or cutting their trees on their property once nests with eggs are present; take steps to make certain that birds are taken in a humane manner; and follow requirements for counting nests with eggs in them, including requiring homeowners to do so either personally or through their vendor of choice and reporting counts to the City. 

The depredation permit specifies: “Any nest containing eggs or chicks, including those associated with successful re-nest attempts, are considered active nests. Lethal take is not to be the primary means of control. Active hazing, harassment or other non-lethal techniques must continue in conjunction with any lethal take of migratory birds.”  

The best way to prevent these birds from establishing nests on your property is to trim back all overgrown trees, this specie prefers to roost in very high branches.

Reports of egrets within City trees may be made by calling City Hall at (209) 854-6471 or through the City website using the Report a Concern feature. To review the depredation permit, visit and select the egret form.