Gustine FFA has had an eventful and successful summer. Recapping the Truck & Tractor Pulls, which went well thanks to all the support and help Gustine FFA members received, the day following was 4th of July, which members proudly celebrated by walking in the 4th of July Parade. It's important to remember and honor everyone who helped us get to the position we’re in today.
Gustine FFA was proud to be represented at the State Fair by Justin Lopes. Justin competed on July 19th and had previously won Reserve Supreme Champion Turkey, Champion Pheasant Game Bird, and Champion Advanced Turkey Showmanship at Merced Fair. He received the opportunity to compete in the Best of County Showmanship contest at State Fair. Huge congratulations to Justin, the State Fair is very competitive and requires hard work to qualify.
The officers also had an eventful weekend during their officer retreat. Building bonds through games and spending time getting to know each other, they made the most out of their weekend. FFA is based on building strong connections, and the FFA officers and advisors sure did that. Through egg drops, finding out their learning styles, communicating to ensure they got the order of a word puzzle correct, it was a great ways to gain laughs while also strengthening their bonds to ensure they work to the best of their capabilities this upcoming year. Fun activities aside, the officers and advisors had meetings through the weekend to come up with themes and organize events. During one of these meetings, they brainstormed the theme for 2024-2025. After much discussion and voting, all officers and advisors got a chance to express their opinion of themes and ultimately came up with one that will satisfy all Gustine FFA members. “Igniting your Passion” is the theme for the 2024-2025 school year.
“Igniting your Passion” builds off the idea of the flame of dedication and the thrill every FFA member should feel. The officer team hopes to build every FFA member’s passion this year. With eagerness, all officers agreed upon this theme as they felt they all resonated with the message it sent out.
On Aug. 28, Gustine FFA is hosting their Welcome Back Barbeque at 6:30 p.m.. They encourage all members, new and old, to come to FFA’s first meeting of the school year to learn new information, meet the officers, collaborate, have fun with yard games, and enjoy the barbeque. The atmosphere during the Welcome Back Barbeque is like no other, and is a great opportunity to get to know one another.